/Subject Verb Agreement Grade 8 Worksheets

Subject Verb Agreement Grade 8 Worksheets

The following worksheet is suitable for students in grades 6, 7 and 8. Live worksheets > English > English language > subject – verb agreement > subject verb agreement 15. Mathematics (is, is) John`s favorite subject, while civics (is, are) Andrea`s favorite subject. Choose the correct form of the verb that corresponds to the subject. A verb must correspond to its subject in number. Singular subjects take singular verbs and plural subjects take plural verbs. Singular verb He takes music lessons. She was asleep. Plural verb You take music lessons. They were sleeping. What do you want to do? Check my answers Send my answers by email to my teacher 9. The film, including all previews, (takes, takes) about two hours to watch. 16.

Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a film today. 23. All CDs, including the scratched one, are in this case. Please allow access to the Microphone Look at the top of your web browser. If you see a message asking for permission to access the microphone, please allow it. Close 19. There were (there were, there were) fifteen sweets in this bag. Now there is (there, there is) only one! 7. One of my sisters (is, are) on a trip to France. 8. The man with all the birds (alive, alive) in my street.

20. The Committee (debate, debate) these issues with care. 5. George and Tamara (no, no) want to see this movie. 2. My mother or father (is, are) come to the meeting. 22. The Prime Minister welcomes, greets and warmly welcomes the press with his wife. Police: Aldrich Amatic SC Annie Use Your Telescope Architects Tochter Arial Baloo Paaji Bangers Black Ops One Boogaloo Bubblegum Sans Cherry Cream Soda Chewy Comic Neue Coming Soon Covered By Your Grace Crafty Girls Creepster Dancing Script Escolar Exo 2 Fontdiner Swanky Freckle Face Fredericka the Great Fredoka One Gloria Hallelujah Gochi Hand Grand Hotel Gurmukhi Henny Penny Indie Flower Jolly Lodger Just Me Again Here Kalam Kranky Lobster Lobster Two Love Ya Like A Sister Luckiest Guy Mountains of Christmas Neucha Open Sans Orbitron Oswald Pacifico Patrick Hand Pernament Marker Pinyon Script Rancho Reenie Beanie Ribeye Marrow Rock Salt Russo One Sacramento Satisfy Schoolbell Shadows Into Light Two Special Elite Ubuntu Unkempt VT323 Yanone Kaffeesatz Größe: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 32 36 40 50 60 70 80 px 10. Die Spieler, wie auch der Kapitän, wollen, wollen) gewinnen. 4.

Entweder meine Schuhe oder dein Mantel (ist, ist) immer auf dem Boden. 21. Committee members (leads, lead) live very differently in private. .